Compatible Replacement for Pitney Bowes Red 765-3 inkjet cartridge.

Page Yield: 8000* Pages
Reg. Price $32.99 Our Price $24.99
  • Buy 3 or more: $$24 each

Our Compatible Replacement for Red 765-3 (7653) inkjet cartridges for your Pitney Bowes printer is manufactured to meet the same ISO-9001 original specifications and performance standards as the Pitney Bowes OEM 765-3 ink-jet cartridges. We guarantee that you will get the same quality printouts as a Pitney Bowes brand 765-3 ink jet cartridge. Our compatible postal meter red ink cartridges all exceed USPS® requirements for fluorescence.

Note - Please be aware of the differences between the Pitney Bowes 765-0, 765-3 and 765-9 cartridges. Make sure to get the right cartridge for your machine.

Why pay double for a Pitney Bowes PB 765-3 brand name ink cartridge? Save up to 75% Compared to the MSRP on the Replacement for Pitney Bowes 765-3 inkjet cartridge. We offer a 100% Quality Satisfaction Guarantee on our Compatible Replacement for 765-3 ink cartridge.

This item is guaranteed to work with the following printers:

Pitney Bowes Digital Mailing

Pitney Bowes Personal Post Meters


More Information
Product Type Ink Cartridge
OEM Number 765-3
Cartridge Yield Type Standard Yield
Page Yield 8000
Cost Per Page 0.00 cents
Shelf Life 36 Months
Ink Color Red
Brand Name Pitney Bowes
Printer Brand Pitney Bowes
*Average cartridge page yield in accordance with ISO-19752.